Sunday, July 26, 2009

Shine Youth Festival J-Rock Concert

June 22 was the start of the 5th Shine Youth Festival held by the National Youth Council, and I was there to help Joan out. I didn't take any photographs in the day though — instead I helped out as a videographer. It was interesting but I think I don't quite cut it as a videographer yet. It's tough enough composing still images, what more moving ones!

Anyway, I did take some photos at the end of the day. So I took the Nikkor AFS 17-55mm f2.8 for a spin on Joan's D90 and had quite a bit of fun taking the J-Rock performances. The most exciting group to shoot was the last one I shot before leaving for the night, and here are three of my favourites:



© Lin Zhaowei, 2009.

I tried shooting with flash at the start, but after a while decided it was still better without flash, mainly because flash takes away the colourful stage lighting and turns everything into white light. Having a fast lens and a camera with high ISO performance surely helps in this.

I'm beginning to itch for more gigs to shoot... Hmmm.

PS. It's been a while since my last post... have been busy keeping up with work and adjusting to my new sleeping patterns. Sorry about it, I shall try to update a little more frequently from here on!

1 comment:

Joan said...

Love the way you captured his here in the first pic :)