Tuesday, December 8, 2009

When instant photography was still called Polaroid

I've just published a post on the ST Blog about the return of Polaroid.

A reader posted a short video of his Polaroid project on my ST Blog post. It's worth a quick look!

My rediscovery of Polaroid started when my mum dug out my Polaroid One from a closet. I believe it was a free gift when I bought my Sony point-and-shoot digital camera back in 2003. I quickly forgot about it then.

The Impossible Project could turn out to be something like Lomography -- low-tech but cool and a little overpriced -- because the one of the brains behind the Lomo Society is one of the two behind the Impossible Project. But with a pack of ten Polaroids going at over US$20 now, I doubt it can get any worse. That's what I hope anyway...

Chanced upon this flickr stream when I was searching for info about Polaroids, there are some nice photos there. The photographer, Kat White, actually published a book on blurb.com, and it seems to be selling quite well too!


together_serena said...

This article was posted on http://www.the-impossible-project.com/ (:

Unknown said...

Wow! Thanks for pointing it out! That's awesome. :)