Monday, September 5, 2011

Aomori Nebuta 2011 (1): People watching

It was my trip to Aomori last year that first piqued my interest in returning to the prefecture again, for its most famous celebration of the year. So perhaps it was most befitting that I started my jaunt through the Tohoku Sandai Matsuri (東北三大祭り), or Tohoku’s three big festivals, with Aomori's Nebuta Matsuri (ねぶた祭り).

It is also the earliest of the three famous festivals to start (Aug 2), and stretches all the way till Aug 7. This makes it the longest of the three.

While the exact origin of the Nebuta Matsuri is unclear, some historical records say a variation of it had already taken place in the Kyoho era (1716 to 1735) of the Tokugawa period. It was much simpler then, however, and involved a parade of people carrying lanterns.

The festival now is far more elaborate now, and attracts over 3 million visitors a year from all over Japan and overseas. Here’s a look at some of the people who were there on Aug 4, 2011.


With the roads closed off for the festival, you’re free to sit anywhere! These girls are dressed in the haneto costume, which is worn by performers as well as those who wish to join in the parade.


A father and his son enjoying some street food before they head over to their performance venue.


Almost all the shops lining the street leading to the parade venue had set up booths along the pavement, selling various Nebuta-related merchandise or food.


Many people dressed in the haneto costume were streaming towards the parade venue by about 6pm.


Visitors listening to a street busker strumming his tsugaru-jamisen.


Aomori boys


Some like their costumes a little shorter!


The matsuri is a great occasion to go out with the family.


Also a great time to bond with your mates…


Catch up on old times…


And have a few beers, wherever you please!


“Has it started already?”


Parade pictures to come next! :)

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